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Who makes the News? Cyprus Nation Report 2020

Literature Item

Literature Item

Author Information:

  • Name: Global Media Monitoring Project (Who makes the news)
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  • Abstract:

    The 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) report highlights a persistent gender disparity in media representation, with women constituting only 21% of media presence compared to men's 79%. This marginal increase from 19% in 2015 underscores a slow progression towards gender parity in news narratives. Despite the rise of digital platforms, women's visibility in electronic and social media remains low at 17%, even less than in traditional outlets. Men continue to dominate as both subjects and journalists across all media forms, with their representation at 79% in traditional and 83% in digital media. Specifically, women's portrayal in political news plummeted to 11% from 30% in 2015, while their presence in economic and science/health news stands at 13% and 32%, respectively. The report also notes a male predominance in expert roles, with men constituting 80% in traditional and 100% in electronic media. However, there's a positive shift in women's roles as experts and commentators, rising to 20% from 9% in 2015. Women spokespersons make up 14%, and they are the main news subjects in only 19% of cases. Women are often depicted in less authoritative roles, such as sharing personal experiences or as eyewitnesses. A notable change is observed in the gender distribution of journalists, with women representing 42% in newspapers and achieving a 50/50 balance in television reporting, albeit focusing on different issues than their male counterparts.


    women’s representation, media, social media, commentators, journalism


    Jan. 1, 2021 - None

    Source Specificity:

    None, None, None


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    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring





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