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Talent naar de Top Charter Monitoring (the Netherlands)

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Talent naar the Top
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  • Abstract:

    The Talent naar de Top Charter provides a structured framework of guiding principles and agreements designed to help organizations achieve lasting gender and cultural diversity and inclusion. By offering clear guidelines, the Charter encourages companies to implement effective strategies to promote diversity in leadership and decision-making roles. A key component of the initiative is the "Monitor Talent naar de Top Charter", which tracks the progress of participating organizations by presenting both quantitative achievements and the qualitative factors contributing to those successes. Organizations that sign the Charter commit to being regularly monitored in terms of gender and cultural diversity, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement. Many organizations that are part of the Talent naar de Top Charter have already aligned with the new Dutch Gender Balance Act (enacted in January 2022), which sets targets for gender representation on corporate boards. This demonstrates the effectiveness of leadership commitment and highlights the added value of being part of the Charter’s network, which fosters a culture of diversity and inclusion. Each year, the Charter’s progress is assessed based on six key criteria, providing detailed reports that include both statistical trends and benchmark overviews. These reports not only offer insights into the current state of gender and cultural diversity but also allow participating organizations to measure their performance against industry standards. The Charter also provides support to help organizations improve and accelerate their diversity and inclusion efforts, offering resources, tools, and best practices. Since its inception in 2008, more than 277 organizations have signed the Charter, benefiting from the framework and committing to advancing diversity in their leadership teams. The Charter has proven to be a powerful tool in fostering an inclusive work environment, contributing to the broader goal of equitable representation in decision-making positions across industries.


    gender equity monitoring, organisations benchmarking, gender equity indicators, factors of success, obstacles


    Jan. 1, 2008 - None

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Monitoring, Benchmarking





    Implementation Scale:



    Dutch, English

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