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Plano para a Igualdade de Género 2023 (Millennium BCP)

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Millennium BCP
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  • Abstract:

    The system of balanced representation between men and women in the management and supervisory bodies of state public sector entities and companies listed on the stock exchange, whose Law 62/2017, of 1 August approved, established companies listed on the stock exchange, the obligation to draw up and publish their annual plans for equality, with a view to effective equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men, promoting the elimination of discrimination based on sex and encouraging reconciliation between personal, family and professional, pursuant to article 7 of the aforementioned Law. This plan, targeted to men and women employees, is thus based on the provisions of article 7 of Law no. 62/2017, of 1 August, and as a result, in its creation, the guidelines contained in the “Guideline for the Preparation of Plans for Equality”, which foresees carrying out a self-diagnosis with a view to identifying the existence of policies and practices in the field of gender equality. In this way, the plan is based on the diagnosis prepared by Millennium BCP of the Group's domestic activity, that is, the operations carried out in Portugal, taking into account the following contributions: Self-assessment guide for gender equality at Millennium BCP, whose completion made it possible to assess the current situation in various areas and identify priorities; Organizational climate survey carried out in December 2020, with representation of the entire population, it is expected that the regularity of this survey will be annual; Monitoring the evolution of statistical indicators on gender equality.


    balanced representation, public sector, work-life balance, equality of treatment, equality of opportunities


    Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2023

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


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    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring





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