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SONAE-Plano para Igualdade de Género 2022

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: SONAE
  • Email: None
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  • Abstract:

    The SONAE Plan for Gender Equality has the objective that in 2023, 39% of women are represented in Board positions. For Sonae, the concept of Gender Equality translates into equal rights, freedoms and opportunities between women and men with the aim of providing equal appreciation, recognition and participation in all spheres of public and private life. The values of inclusion and diversity are an integral part of Sonae's matrix, being intrinsically related to the evolution, growth and diversification of its businesses and integrating a prominent place in the agendas of top leadership. The activities of this Plan include an impartial management and evaluation of employees and the promotion of equal opportunities for all, regardless of their function and organizational setting, as well as their gender, ethnicity, age, religion or sexual orientation. Sonae defends that the professional path should be defined based on meritocracy, always seeking to ensure that factors such as gender do not penalize the professional development in leadership . In 2015, together with the Portuguese Government, SONAE defined the importance of a sustained and structured intervention in the development of leaders, in order to guarantee that in the future the under-represented gender remains above 30% on the Board of Directors, as it already happens today . In 2013, together with the ERT (European Roundtable for industry), Sonae defined voluntary targets that promote greater gender diversity, not only for positions in management and decision-making bodies, but also for senior and middle-management positions, The target group for this Plan is the SONAE employees The Plan for 2022 established that in 2023, 39% of women are represented in Board positions of the company.


    equity,responsability, confidence, promotion, inclusion


    Jan. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2022

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


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    Methods Tools:

    Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring





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