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Valongo Municipality Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination/Plano Municipal para a Igualdade e a Não Discriminação 2022-2025- CM Valongo

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Câmara Municipal de Valongo
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  • Abstract:

    The Valongo Municipality Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination aims to increase the participation of women in decision-making positions within the municipality. The plan was developed following six key steps: elaboration of a diagnosis, formulation of an equality plan, implementation of the plan, dissemination of information, evaluation of the plan, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. The plan includes several concrete actions to promote gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions. One significant measure is the appointment of a Municipal Counselor for Equality, who plays a pivotal role in advocating for gender equality within the Valongo City Council. Additionally, an information office on rights and measures to promote gender equality has been established to provide resources and support for women. To further enhance the participation of women, the plan develops and implements initiatives that encourage their involvement in municipal activities. Training and retraining programs are offered to municipal interlocutors, focusing on gender equality and mainstreaming. These programs aim to sensitize and educate municipal staff on the importance of integrating a gender perspective in all municipal plans and projects. The plan also emphasizes the promotion of gender mainstreaming in all ongoing and future municipal plans, ensuring that gender equality considerations are embedded in the municipality's broader strategic framework. The dissemination of the plan is carried out through the municipality’s intranet and website, making information accessible to all employees and the public. The primary target group of the plan is the women of Valongo Municipality. The expected outcomes include a significant increase in the representation of women in municipal leadership roles. Currently, women constitute 33% of the municipal executive and 60% of the directors of the Municipal Assembly. These measures demonstrate Valongo Municipality's commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment, promoting gender equality at all levels of municipal governance.


    responsability, participation, awareness, decison, monitoring


    Jan. 1, 2014 - Dec. 31, 2025

    Source Specificity:

    Public Policy Document


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring





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