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Subsidies for carrying out programs and/or activities to promote women during the 2022 financial year.

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Vigo City Hall
  • Email: None
  • Website:
  • Abstract:

    Call for subsidies, under a competitive bidding system, whose purpose is to contribute to financing the expenses caused by the development of programs and activities aimed at promoting and consolidating women's associations, the promotion of women in all areas of public life and personnel, as well as in the prevention and combat of gender violence, carried out by non-profit entities and carried out from October 30, 2021 and October 31, 2022 (both included). Non-profit legal entities that have their headquarters or delegation in the municipality of Vigo, are duly registered in the Municipal Registry of Associations on the date of submission of the application and meet the other requirements established in the bases and call. Each entity may submit a single program that meets any of the following purposes: 1. - Address the demands and needs of women based on the following priority areas established by the Department of Equality: Education in Equality, Reconciliation and Co-responsibility, Empowerment and Leadership, Employment and Training, Gender Violence, Attention to Diversity and Promotion of Health and Well-being. 2. - Promote the investment of social resources in positive actions for women, which favor the access and permanence of women in those areas where they are underrepresented. Promoting, for example: training actions in areas and/or sectors with little female presence, access and permanence of women in positions of responsibility or establishment of measures, actions and/or devices that make visible and facilitate the participation of women belonging to collectives in risk of exclusion. 3. - Organize and promote activities in spheres and/or areas traditionally feminized, aimed at the male population. 4. - Promote women's associations, the active participation of women in the decision-making bodies of the associations, as well as the participation of women in all areas of action of the organizations. 5. - Promote the opening of new channels of intervention in favor of women in the socio-labour, educational and family fields, avoiding perpetuating traditionally sexist roles. Developing both awareness-raising activities and projects with innovative actions that encourage the elimination of gender roles and stereotypes. 6. - Promote research, educational and/or cultural activities aimed at valuing and making visible the contribution of women to society throughout history. 7.- Promote and make visible the contributions and the role that women develop in the different sectors related to fishing (extraction, aquaculture, sale, research, etc.) and/or in trades derived from the sea, such as netters, canneries, assemblers , shellfish, etc. 8.- Organize activities aimed at facilitating the acquisition of basic skills and abilities for greater autonomy for women: of a training nature, or of a cultural, artistic or leisure nature. 9- Raise awareness and train men and women through the delivery of training modules on gender and Equal Opportunities (IO) given by specialized professionals with accredited training in this field.


    funding, equality, social presence, empowerment, founding


    Oct. 30, 2021 - Oct. 31, 2022

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Awareness-raising, Funding





    Implementation Scale:




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