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Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union
  • Email: None
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  • Abstract:

    AIM (Intended activity and outcomes): The aim of the project is to seek to improve programs aimed at women who experience violence at the hands of their partners in Europe, with a special focus on activities led by shelters and the promotion of empowerment women's economy. So this project is an example of good practice because we can see how improving the different powers women can get out of a situation of violence. In this case we could say that the mean power in which one works is the ECONOMICAL one, seeing this power like an option to be free and self-sufficient. ACTIVITY/APPROACH/COLLABORATION: 01. RESEARCH AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT PROGRAMS AIMED AT WOMEN VICTIMS OF GENDER VIOLENCE A HANDS OF THEIR PARTNERS: Thanks to established data collection methodologies data, this activity will provide detailed data on the economic status of women who have access to houses reception, at European level. 02. KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS: Thanks to the invaluable expertise of the organizations anti-violence, the results of the meetings also will contribute to the design of a toolkit focused on good practices in innovative interventions and methodologies. These will be tested throughout the project, which It will be a legacy for the centers. 03. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMS ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT AIMED AT WOMEN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE: All anti-violence organizations will receive the toolkit to be able to implement training activities aimed at staff, who will test the methodologies outstanding in the implementation of their programs. 04. COMMUNICATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: In addition to communication materials, they will take held public events in Italy, Spain, Greece and Bulgaria. The final project report will be presented at the final event in Brussels, highlighting recommendations addressed to national and European policy makers. TARGET GROUP: WOMEN VICTIMS OF GENDER VIOLENCE OUTPUTS/OUTCOMES: The project methodology is based on two main components: the exchange of experience and the identification of good practices. These methodologies will be adapted to the national context in which the project is implemented, and to the requirements that the organizations involved may have. COST:


    international, geneder-violence, empowerment, economic power


    Jan. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2018

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising





    Implementation Scale:




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