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Survey on gender equality within Italian companies / indagine sulla parità di genere all’interno delle aziende italiane

Literature Item

Literature Item

Author Information:

  • Name: EY-SWG
  • Email: None
  • Website:
  • Abstract:

    The survey has been conducted by EY and SWG. It aims to investigate the presence and role of women within Italian companies. The analysis was conducted in February 2022 through a survey of working women and men and women managers, executives, middle managers and entreprene. The results present that only 44% of the executives interviewed know the gender equality certification envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). This certification is part of the Mission 5 of the NRRP titled "Cohesion and inclusion". it was introduced with the aim of reducing the gender gap in all areas that present the most critical issues. Also for other issues the perception appears distant between female and male executives, for example when it comes to the effective fairness in the treatment of men and women (women and men are treated fairly according to 76% of male executives, against 50% of female executives). Finally, faced with the request to tell one's experiences within the working context, a picture of clear gender imbalance emerges. Approximately 30% of female workers believe that the position occupied is not in line with their skills and expectations - 36% do not consider their skills adequately valued and over 40% consider the remuneration inadequate. All this in a context in which half of the interviewees believe there is an inequality of career opportunities and salaries between men and women.


    Women in economic positions, Businesses growth, Sustainability


    April 30, 2022 - None

    Source Specificity:

    None, None, None


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    Methods Tools:

    Awareness-raising, Benchmarking





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