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University of Luxembourg - Gender Equality

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: Université du Luxembourg
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  • Abstract:

    The University of Luxembourg is committed to gender equality as a matter of fairness and as a key tool to support academic excellence. It is promoted and advanced gender equality through the Gender Equality Policy, which is designed to: promote gender diversity in research and academic careers; support women, as the underrepresented gender, in leadership positions; ensure that training, promotions and appraisal procedures for the University of Luxembourg employees are gender-responsive. The Gender Equality Officer and the Gender Equality Committee lead the implementation of the Gender Equality Policy. The principles are: implicit biases (in practices, in procedures and in our minds) may persist despite the best intentions; The University supports parents in academia and more broadly it aims to create an environment where staff members can have a successful career and achieve work-life balance; The University commits to a professional environment with equal opportunity and fair treatment - there are established clear procedures to solve any discriminatory or harassment episode; Gender-inclusive communication avoids discriminatory and gendered words and expressions, masculine role titles, and stereotypes; Gender equality doubles the pool of talents, thus it is encouraged and supported in recruitment, detention and career opportunities; Teaching and research, related to gender, leads to social transformations with lasting effects in the mind of future generations.


    Gender equality, Leadership, Management, Training, Luxembourg


    Jan. 1, 2016 - None

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


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    Methods Tools:

    Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring, Networking





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