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Literature Item

Literature Item

Author Information:

  • Name: CEPS Project
  • Email: None
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  • Abstract:

    VIRAGE aims to study how industrial relations and social dialogue can shape progress towards the achievement of gender equality in Europe. Funded by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the project is coordinated by the Brussels-based think tank CEPS and implemented in partnership with HIVA – KU Leuven (Belgium), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Warsaw School of Economics (Poland) and Sapienza – University of Rome (Italy). VIRAGE provides a comprehensive literature review and a conceptual framework to analyse how industrial relations and social dialogue interact with gender equality in European labour markets. The project undertakes sound quantitative and qualitative analyses, studying the role of industrial relations and social dialogue in fostering gender equality in its multiple dimensions across the EU. It also includes in-depth national case studies for Belgium, Poland, Sweden, and Italy to obtain detailed insights regarding several aspects of gender equality. A comparative analysis of the findings of the national case studies complements the EU level analysis, with the aim to draw policy recommendations to foster gender equality. Finally, VIRAGE aims to raise awareness on best practices and exchange information on effective industrial relations practices, through the publication of the reports produced by the project, promotional videos on research outcomes and the organisation of workshops with relevant stakeholders at EU and national levels during the project. The final results of the project were presented at a conference in Brussels.


    Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, Labour Market, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue


    Jan. 5, 2020 - Jan. 1, 2020

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:

    Social, Economic

    Methods Tools:

    Awareness-raising, Monitoring, Networking, Benchmarking





    Implementation Scale:




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