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2019-2023 Gender Strategy Paper

Literature Item

Literature Item

Author Information:

  • Name: ENABEL - Belgium Development Agency
  • Email: None
  • Website:
  • Abstract:

    The two-sided approach already was an important aspect in BTC’s 2010-2014 gender strategy. After the DGD’s Final analysis was completed DGD approved a reviewed strategy paper in 2016, ‘Gender in the Belgian Development Cooperation’. This paper lays down the outline for future interventions. The paper reconfirms the importance of the two-sided approach, which is maintained. To achieve the empowerment of women and equality between men and women, it is advised to work at two complementary levels. First, there is a need for transversal gender mainstreaming to fundamentally change the unequal structures in society. Gender mainstreaming must be applied from the onset of the programming cycle, throughout the whole cycle and in all sectors. Such systematic and transversal mainstreaming of the gender dimension generally requires more time, more involvement and more coordination. The fact that the results and impact might be less direct but structural and sustainable must not be forgotten. Second, the gender mainstreaming approach does not exclude specific actions. Specific actions primarily target priorities and needs of women and girls, for instance, via legislation, policy development, research and specific projects/programmes in the field. Such (positive) actions target the promotion of gender equality and also implement equal rights and opportunities for women. Specific actions targeting women contribute to supporting women and are an important source of inspiration for strategies and initiatives that can be transposed to the regular interventions. In general such actions are easier to undertake and they generate tangible results even with rather limited budgets. Both approaches are not to excluding one another but are complementing one another. That is why it is important that development programmes that opt for transversal gender mainstreaming systematically pay attention to assigning specific budget lines or a certain percentage of the budget to gender.


    Empowerment, Women, Gender Equality, leadership


    June 30, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2023

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:

    Social, Economic

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