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Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2025 of CIHEAM

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: CIHEAM Montpellier
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  • Abstract:

    The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM Montpellier) plays a pivotal role in promoting higher education, research, and development cooperation across the Mediterranean basin. Operating in a transnational and transcontinental context, particularly in the areas of agriculture and rural development, CIHEAM Montpellier recognizes the persistent gender inequalities—social, cultural, and economic—between men and women in these sectors. To address these disparities, the Institute has implemented an Action Plan for Gender Equality with the aim of reducing gender inequalities, advancing women's roles, and creating a more inclusive environment. Key Objectives of the Action Plan: Promoting a Gender Equality Culture Internally: CIHEAM Montpellier focuses on creating an organizational culture that promotes gender equality through information dissemination, awareness-raising activities, and training. Additionally, mechanisms are in place to detect and address gender-based violence or related issues, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all staff. Gender-Sensitive Human Resources Management: The Institute implements a gender-sensitive HR policy, beginning with recruitment and extending throughout employees' careers. This includes measures to ensure equality in opportunities, promotions, and career development for both men and women. The goal is to create gender balance in leadership and management roles across the Institute. Promoting Gender-Inclusive Higher and Continuing Education: CIHEAM Montpellier aims to empower both women and men through its education programs. The Institute promotes higher education and continuing education opportunities that are open to all, ensuring that the future workforce in agriculture and rural development is diverse and inclusive. Integrating Gender into Research and Project Development: A key focus of the Action Plan is to systematically incorporate the gender dimension into all projects and activities. This includes both the implementation and evaluation of the impact of projects, ensuring that gender considerations are embedded in every stage. Concrete and Measurable Actions (2022-2025): The plan includes a series of concrete actions with a structured implementation schedule covering the period 2022-2025. Key actions include: Visibility and Recruitment: Publicizing CIHEAM Montpellier’s HR policy on gender equality in all calls for candidates, ensuring the use of diversified networks to attract women candidates, and creating gender-balanced selection panels. In cases where this balance cannot be maintained, justifications will be required. Management and Leadership: Fostering gender balance in management positions, ensuring equal representation of men and women in leadership roles. The target group for this initiative is women, particularly those involved in agriculture and rural development in the Mediterranean region. By increasing the visibility of women’s skills and contributions, the Action Plan for Gender Equality strives to create a more equitable professional environment, enhance women's leadership opportunities, and drive progress in the fight against gender-based discrimination. Through this comprehensive and measurable action plan, CIHEAM Montpellier not only promotes gender equality within its own institution but also contributes to the larger goal of advancing women's roles in agriculture, rural development, and research across the Mediterranean basin.


    governance, equality, women, competences, higher education


    Jan. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2025

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies, Public Policy Document


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising, Monitoring





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