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C'est Génial

Best Practice

Best Practice

Promoter Information:

  • Name: C'est Génial association
  • Email: None
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  • Abstract:

    C'est Génial is a partnership bringing together more than 20 international companies and local organizations whose ambition is to make young people aged 10 to 14 passionate about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, production and design (STEM) through an inclusive and gender-sensitive pathway, involving their classmates, their parents and teachers. This journey can be done at school, in business, at events or online. CestGénial brought together 3 generations of women in science and technology to inspire each other. Through this programme the participants can discover the best tips to get excited for STEM: start as young as possible and make the connection with the world of children. That's exactly this programme does through their 25 fun science challenges created with influencers. These challenges can be found for free on the website, on TikTok and on Youtube, for young girls from 10 years old. Through this programme they raise awareness for science, technology, math, engineering, production, or design (STEM) and show these subjects are less boring and difficult than young girls normaly think. The idea is to encourage as many children and young people between the ages of 10 and 14 as possible to discover their inner scientist through challenges, anecdotes and experiences tailored to them and their friends. C'est Génial is mainly intended for young people and children from 10 to 14 years old, but is intended to be accessible to all. A special attention is made to girls, once it is intended to break the stereotype that boys are better at science. And all the talent is needed. Parents, teachers and businesses can also be envolved to adapt STEM to young people. The objectives of C'est Génial are: To inspire young people to choose an exciting education in STEM fields; To make STEM-related topics accessible for the world of children and adolescents: Since the launch in 2018, this Program has developed 25 fun STEM video challenges with Dutch- and French-speaking influencers streamed via TikTok, Snapchat & Youtube. It has reached more than 3 million visits in 2020-2022. In 2023, the program will be launching several new challenges and bringing free STEM-rich experience days to 10 x 100 sixth-graders at Technopolis and SPARKOH!


    STEM, young girls, gender-sensitive pathway, talent, education


    Jan. 1, 2018 - None

    Source Specificity:

    Initiative/Practice/Project/Programme/Case Studies


    Power Domains:


    Methods Tools:

    Gender Training, Competence development, Awareness-raising





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